Allyson enjoying her tea and quiche!
Aiden picking out his bread bear with a little help from Cynthia.
The tables laden with tea goodies to go. And the Rhubarb fizz and Individual
We made over $500 in donations and profits. So –a successful venture!
I’m so glad the day started and ended with our nieces, Allyson and Elizabeth.
Elizabeth and her daughter came and helped us empty our inventory!
We met some very nice people, visited with some old friends, and re-
connected with a few people we hadn’t seen in years.
Now I want to bake some bread for us and start preparing for our two
weeks in Chincoteague.
( We had a short and busy visit with our son and his family in Columbus
on Saturday. He graduated from Bexley Theological Seminary and they
will soon be on their way to their new home in Long Island, New York.)
So- what did you do over the weekend?
Oh, it was SO good! Yums and yums! I definitely you should make some trifles for our weeks in Chincoteague. . .Just sayin’. I think Meredith will agree with me!
It was wonderful to see you and wonderful to eat your goodies. We ended up eating them all ourselves–none made it to the band awards ceremony!
Allyson- When we first pulled into the driveway and I saw you standing there, you looked so much like your mother that I started to cry! I will make the trifle and the sausage rolls in Chincoteague. 🙂
Elizabeth- the best treats should always be enjoyed by the ones we love! So glad you all enjoyed them!
I enjoyed meeting new and old friends. The food was delicious. I agree starting the day with one niece and ending it with another was great. Looking forward to seeing Meredith next week.
Heidi that looks fabulous! Lots of hard work, but definitely worth it. $500 is great!
I would have gone home with one of your trifles… me and trifle go way back 😉
Heidi, congratulations, that’s a GREAT result! And the minute I clicked on your blog and saw this post, I thought, “hey, Allyson looks like Heidi, she has the same smile!” 🙂
Cynthia- and you said “NEVER again!”
Brydie- those trifles were great! The chocolate ganache and the vanilla bean cake and pudding were a delightful treat in the mouth.
Celia- the smile is a family trademark,LOL! Big and toothy and our eyes get totally squinty! I was so pleased at our results- hopefully it will pay for a week accommodations!