moonstruck definition
moon·struck (mo̵̅o̅n′struk′)
affected mentally in some way, supposedly by the influence of the moon; specif.,
- crazed; lunatic; insane
- romantically dreamy
- dazed or distracted
Also moonstricken moon′·strick′en (-strik′ən)
It’s out there-big and beautiful reflecting down upon us. On nights like this I watch for moonshadows and walk as silently as possible.
Not because I’m a 1.crazed lunatic;insane, but because I have a 2. romantically dreamy sort of personality, and am easily 3. dazed and distracted.
It really is beautiful tonight.
At around 4:30 the moon was getting ready for it’s starring role in tonight’s production- and in fact , I got several pictures of the dress rehearsal.
It really is distracting isn’t it?
I wish I was a better photographer.
Because this moon is fabulous.
And I am moonstruck.
I enjoyed looking at it as I rode to and from work tonight. It was amazing.
It’s almost like a beacon light. Lovely.
I enjoyed it last night too.