September Blues


The skies have been beautiful- cloudy and blue- Stormy and dark blue and grey-

My blues don’t have anything to do with the weather.

I have been blue.

Down in spirit.

Down in body.


I haven’t been able to post- or even communicate in general.

because –” If you don’t have anything nice to say,don’t say anything at all”  according to Thumper’s dad.

So, I get quiet.

Only then I got sick, and had to go get rehydrated at the emergency room just so I could get back to functioning


And now – I’m back.

Still kind of down-

still kind of sick-

but not giving up.

I’m not sure if blogging is going to be a priority for me.

It is a lot of work- and it is hard to put one’s self out here-

I can’t always be productive and cheery.

I had planned many posts in this last period.

Made lots of breads and even took pictures- but somehow

I got lost before I could put them up.

So- I’m kind of planning a break.

Unless my creative side just suddenly breaks out and starts

dancing- I think I will just be kind of sporadic in the blogging


Thank you so much for visiting- I love all the friends I’ve made here-

and I will still be visiting your blogs.

And who knows- I may be back with 100 cookie recipes to make

for Christmas.

Just don’t hold your breath.

In My Kitchen- 2012 September

I’ve been kind of between kitchens this month- 2 weeks here

in Ohio and 2 weeks in Eastern Virginia- but lots of wonderful

things in both places! 

( A friend recently told us,” I thought my husband and I were foodies

until I met you guys!”  And I DON’T consider myself a foodie- just a VERY

sincere lover of good foods!)

In my kitchen…


Blackberry cardamom Pavlova!  So very good.

In my kitchen…


Pork ribs, jalapeno poppers and bruschetta!


I rubbed the ribs with Alderwood smoked salt, espresso , cinnabar and hickory

smoked rubs- allowed them to marinate for several hours and then baked them

low heat in a dutch oven and then grilled them.

In my kitchen…


I have some wonderful rubs, salts and spice mixes that we picked up in Anapolis,

Maryland.  They are all so marvelous and full of flavor and aroma- I’ll be sharing more

of these later.

In my kitchen…


I have some new books- I am so looking forward to reading and trying out the recipes!

Especially the olive oil book- we also picked up some great olive oils and balsamic vinegars

that I am anxious to try!

In my kitchen…


I have the most delicious cinnamon swirl bread to use for toast!


I used a Ceylon cinnamon (instead of the cassis we often get in the USA masquerading

as cinnamon)- and the flavor and fragrance is magnificent- really magnificent.

In my kitchen…



is a loaf of seeded Italian bread- crusty on the outside and yet with a yeasty pull on the

inside- perfect for tasting oils and vinegars.

In my kitchen…


are some perfect oils and vinegars to delight the taste buds!

And- In my kitchen(aka- Meredith’s kitchen in Virginia)…


is a new sink to replace the old rusting country sink circa 1928 that we were using.  Great and

wonderful improvement!

Well- that is what is and has been in my kitchen(s)- what’s in your kitchen?

Come and join us at Fig Jam and Lime Cordial- where Celia has a listing of many IMK posts!