In my kitchen… I have some cardamom sourdough rolls.
They are quite good- I love cardamom !
In my kitchen…
Are some coffee mugs I’ve been painting.
And some glass stones.
I am working on some ornaments and making the
mugs for a rental property on the east coast- and my work place is – well- in my kitchen!
In my kitchen…
are cakes…
and cookies for my husband’s insatiable sweet tooth.
top left- Preacher’s cake (pineapple and walnut with cream cheese frosting)
top right-Chocolate Crazy cake( made without eggs- but plenty of cocoa!)
bottom- Chocolate chip cookies with walnuts and white choc pieces, as well as choc chips.
In my kitchen…
is a primrose – to remind me that Spring is coming.
In my kitchen…
is a crocheted shopping bag a friend made me for Christmas. I love it- I can knit,
but crocheting is hard for me- and this bag is so sturdy and strong- I’m looking
forward to using it at my next shopping trip!
I don’t have much more to show you- we ate most of the bread before I could take
a picture of it-I haven’t done anything else too exciting that I haven’t already blogged
about- and I’m still trying to banish the winter doldrums.
Take a look at Celia’s blog to see a list of IMK posts!
And add one of your own if you’d like to share a peek into your kitchen!
Your passion for creativity in the kitchen is so fantastic! I’m always left with my taste buds peaked and my mouth salivating!
I know what you mean , NIcole! That is what happens to me when I read other bloggers foodie posts- and that is why I keep on making all this stuff! Thanks for stopping by and commenting- someday we will have to get together in a kitchen- again. Didn’t we cook together at a fish fry at St John’s in Park Slope?
Hi Hiedi. As always your baking looks delightful. You sure can bake!!
That bag looks great. No more plastice bags. Yeah!!
You look forward to spring like I look forward to autumn. No more hot dry sunny days but some rain and some greenery and a nice wood fire.
Your stones look good, too
Thanks, Glenda- I try not to grumble my way through winter- but it is so dark. And cold. Spring and Autumn are such nice temperate seasons- not too many extremes
I used to have a craft room- but it got filled up with supplies and half finished items- so now all my craft work is done in the kitchen. I need a shed like Maus to keep all those items in!
I also love cardamom and the mugs look wonderful. It’s been a long time since I’ve painted anything
Hi Tandy-
I think cardamom is a better flavor than the ubiquitous cinnamon- if I find a recipe that uses it I will be more likely to make it!
Thanks for stopping by!
Heidi, that crocheted bag is a treasure! And you are so good with bread, darling, I love how all your rolls are even and round! All your baking looks superb as always, and your painted mugs are very lovely indeed. I hope you manage to chase away the winter doldrums.. xx
Thanks, Celia- I really do like the bag- although I think I’m going to use it for knitting rather than shopping.
And sourdough always turns out perfectly round for me. Regularly yeasted breads are sometimes not cylindrical or symmetrical but sourdough stays in just the shape I make it.
I haven’t been making as much bread lately- I should get busy and load up the freezer.
Those rolls are lovely and I can never get such a lovely shape. I know what you mean about the winter doldrums. We’ve had snow, hail, rain, fog and gales all in a few days and the hills keep disappearing in the clouds.
Hi Pat- that sounds like our weather if you add some unseasonably warm days where everything melts and then winds up to 50 mph kick in and blow down trees and branches just before the weather turns bone chillingly cold…winter weather is out of control this year.
I’ve been baking just to keep myself distracted- and because I love fresh bread!
Thanks for stopping by!
Ooo, cardamom sourdough- what a lovely combination! They look great Heidi! I enjoyed looking at your primrose. This winter sure has been a rough one so far. But I think I’d be ok if I had some of your cookies and cakes in my kitchen
Thanks for sharing!!!
Thanks Emilie- I got the idea from Brydie, here,
but I made up my own recipe- I was too lazy to convert the measurements.
My husband is a rather thin man- but he can put away sweets like no one I’ve ever met. It is a challenge to keep him happy, because he likes a variety rather than one dessert to last. So I make a lot and freeze a lot, and am constantly making more!
I love primrose and my sister always buys me some at this time of the year- then I plant them in the spring. I am thinking Spring real hard right now… I am not a winter person.
Heidi, you always have such wonderful things to share with us from your kitchen and I especially love your shopping bag – very special.
Mandy x
Thanks for stopping by, Mandy. I really don’t have much of great interest in my kitchen- just a lot of ingredients and a joy of putting them together!
I do enjoy the IMK posts- they make a huge planet seem more homely.
Just popping by to say hello! Your rolls look excellent and most shapely and your kitchen full of yummy sweeties. Love the primrose and its promise of spring. We have more cold wind racketing around here, but the sun pops out from time to time, thank goodness. xx Jo
Joanna- it is so nice to see you popping by!
Winter still rules the air here- and snow the roads. I stepped out to throw some salt on the sidewalk and didn’t see that the step was encased in ice! I flew off the step and landed on the sidewalk in the ice, slush and snow. I AM SO SICK of WINTER!
There are very few sweets left in my kitchen now. Frank is always looking for dessert!
lovely happenings here Heidi. What a kind friend to give you that great bag. You mentioned above that you might use it for knitting, perfect for it.
I’m sure I can smell your cardamom sourdough rolls just a little through the screen…they smell delicious
Brydie- Hello!
I got the idea for the buns from you- I just made up my own recipe- but they are delicious- THANK you!
I was surprised by the bag because it was a blog friend to whom I am not that close- as part of a Christmas exchange. It is so lovely- I am really appreciative and yes, will be using it for a knitting bag.
You have many talents. I love your kitchen and all that is in and comes from it.
thanks, Cynthia!
Hello Heidi, What a lovely eco-friendly shopping bag!
Thanks, Christine- I thought so ,too!
I love handmade- home made- made just for you items.
love your handiwork with your mugs and glasses and your baking – those cakes have the best names!
Lol- especially the Preacher’s cake- I think it is because it is so easy to put together quickly- as soon as you hear he’s coming- and it is so moist you can hold it in your hand – so it is good to send some home with him. The crazy cake is in my baking cycle because it doesn’t have any eggs in it and some family members are allergic to eggs.
And the craft- they are always in my kitchen because the light is so good in there and I like working at the kitchen table. Thanks for stopping by!