I love this picture from the beach on the coast of Oregon. This was taken in the last week of
June. It was coming on evening and the beach was wonderfully cool.
It is SO hot right now in Ohio, 94 F with a heat index of 100+ – that just looking at the beach is cooling.
Bruce thought we should have warm coats- but we just brought carry on luggage-
and I wasn’t wearing anything that was going to make me any hotter!
Cynthia wore a coat that Bruce brought for her- but I just rolled up my pants and walked
in the water! It was cold- but good cold- do you know what I mean?
The next day we walked around the town and did some shopping.
The flowers were still so lovely- it has been cool in Oregon- a prolonged Spring.
So, today, I’m staying inside with the central air conditioning on and looking at cool pictures.
I was going to take some great pictures of my garden- but some critter decided to eat all the leaves
off of the cucumber and squash plants and all the outside leaves on the geraniums in my container
I’m thinking cooling thoughts, cleansing thoughts, and not looking at the GARDEN CARNAGE outside
my window.
Stay cool, Heidi! Meanwhile over here it’s really cold (for us!) and the photo of your feet in the surf made my feet feel cold..
It wasn’t too cold, though- I had been on an airplane for about 7 1/2 hours and then in the back seat of a car to drive out to the coast for another 2 hours! The water was wonderfully cool!
How cold is cold in Sydney?
I love that look of that beach. Feels like a long way off before we have beach weather again.
I know, Brydie- I love seeing the cool weather you had in Tasmania!
It’s really great having blog friends in Australia- because it tempers the seasons for me!
I love the pictures! They remind me of how cool we were at the beach. Just thinking of the time we spent there makes me feel cooler. That was a great time we had with Bruce. I wish we had some of that cool weather here. Thanks Heidi.
Lovely pictures, you look beautiful standing there with your arms outstretched – and all that vast space of sky and light behind you – I’m with you on cold water sometimes being just right too
Oh my- thank you, Joanna! It was a particularly beautiful evening!
Looking at these pictures at least gives the illusion of being cool!
I am so tired of being HOT! My niece says it is like having a snow day, except to fireplace, hot chocolate or snow angels.
I live near a wide open beach with rolling surf sometimes so I’m lucky. The water is warm at this time of year when you put your feet in. The thing I miss though are clouds and I love the dramatic ones in your pictures.
Beautiful photos of the beach and coastline. The clouds and rays from the sun make give a wonderful feel of nature and twilight is one of my favourite times of the day.