Skype with me!

Aidan and Luke and I skype a couple of times a week, Meredith and I get into skype mode whenever she is home, and occasionally my brother Ralph will give me a call.  It is free, it is convenient, and sometimes I get the best pictures of my loved ones.  Here is a couple of pictures I’ve saved in the last few months.

Video call snapshot 2I made this one small- she won’t forgive me soon- but I DID warn her!

Video call snapshot 10 Video call snapshot 13

Most of the talking with Aidan is while he’s eating supper.

Video call snapshot 22

Here Luke told him to stick his thumbs in his ears and stick out his tongue at Grandma- honestly- this is one of my FAVORITE pictures!

Video call snapshot 26

Sometimes they are fuzzy- but they are real life and sweet all the same.

Video call snapshot 35

I love these guys, these pictures and the opportunity to talk over the distance.Video call snapshot 15 Video call snapshot 19 Video call snapshot 19

Video call snapshot 25

Because I get to enter into the everyday of my loved ones lives.

Have you ever used video web conferencing? 

7 thoughts on “Skype with me!

  1. We get to Skype with our daughter and grandson in Brazil. Our pictures are not as clear as yours because their internet connection is rather slow. But I am thankful each time I get to see and hear Caleb playing, eating, running, etc. It is such a blessing to us. I’m glad you get to communicate with your grandson this way too!

  2. Thanks, ladies! The pictures did turn out real cute- but then Aidan is such a cutie- I love the one in the hat- he is so natural- has no idea Grandma is snapping pictures on her end!

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