I don’t really have much to share.
I have made bread and cookies, cakes and casseroles,
sauces and many happy meals – but I didn’t take pictures.
Mainly because everything was eaten rather quickly- but also
because I am engulfed in a wave of depression that insists that
it isn’t that interesting and I don’t have the energy to fight it
right now. Depression comes in so many guises that it seems
I am always fighting on a different front.
But I am functional- can keep up with necessary activities- and
I want to honor the friendship that has been granted me by some
extraordinary people. So, Celia, my dear, this is for you!
In my kitchen…

is this lovely cookbook- a Mother’s Day gift from my son, Luke!
I have been devouring the pictures and recipes, dreaming about
making the recipes, and trying to get some of the necessary ingredients
stocked up so that I can make what I want when I have someone who
will help me eat it. My husband will not happily eat any of the meals
that I am thinking about!
In my kitchen…

is this bowl, depicting the wind blowing into the sails of a ship.

This bowl (or one like it) – has been in my family since my earliest memory.
The truth – this bowl has only been in my possession for the last 20 years, because I found it
in an antique shop after I had broken the original. I was so devastated when it broke that I
broke into tears and then hid it. I didn’t tell anyone until I found this one and then I confessed
to my mother and sisters of my clumsiness and shame. They were so wonderful and forgiving-
the bowl hadn’t meant nearly as much to them as it had to me- but everytime I look at this bowl
I not only remember the history of the original bowl- of family times cooking together- of it filled
with chicken soup with small dumplings (zsomervenka, in Slovak) of the wonder it inspired in a
little girl reading the story of a journey on its surface- BUT I also feel the love of my mother and sisters
and am reminded of the heritage of compassion and love that we share.
So that is what is in my kitchen this month- Love and hopefulness, and history and compassion.
Take a look at Celia’s blog for a list of other In My Kitchen posts- it is great fun to look into kitchens
across the world!