The January edition of IMK is going to be abbreviated because
I am tired and not feeling well. The toll of Christmas and preparations
has been very large this year- I didn’t really plan to make so many cookies-
but my nephew’s wedding necessitated the nearly 100 dozen of cookies in
December, the gingerbread competition added on more baking, and if you
throw in the 10 or so loaves of bread and apple cakes I’ve been making-
I did a lot of baking last month!
But- here goes!
In my kitchen…

are the new apron and gingerbread boss chef jacket that came from the
competition in December!
(Which – did I mention? We won!)

In my kitchen…

is this ornament I found in our yard upon returning home
on New Year’s Day. A flower made of eating utensils!
Not sure exactly where this came from…?
So I’m adding this boxed set of silver grapefruit spoons that
I got at a second-hand shop.

I’m a total sucker for eating utensils that come in silk covered boxes!
In my kitchen…

are these bars of goat’s milk soap that I felted. They turned out rather nice,
but I think I need to make more to get the right look.
In my kitchen…

is this scarf I just finished knitting. It is in the kitchen because I just took it
off and threw it on the table when I came home from lunch with some friends.
The colors blended so well with the table I took a picture.
In my kitchen…

is a new stash of vanilla beans-

and a newly started bottle of vanilla- along with an almost empty
bottle from last year!
After all those cookies, my vanilla is at an all time low!
And lastly-
In my kitchen…

is my husband – happily eating dinner- ham and basmati rice, wilted spinach,
homemade applesauce and summer squash grilled with onions.
Every once in a while I need a reality check. The last couple of photos are what
my kitchen is really all about. A happy family-good meals- a table surrounded and
filled with love.
AND- just a small smile at the end of this post-
I just saw this movie, Stranger than Fiction, with Will Ferrel and Emma Thompson-
and the best love scene in a movie for bakers was in it.
See it here on Youtube-