I’ve been so busy- grandchildren have come and gone- Spring is still here although disguised
in Summer garb and Winter snow part of the time.

Trying to catch a snowflake on his tongue and children of all ages rolling down hills!

I’ve also been making sourdough bread with its complex corridors of holes-

And I made Sausage and avocado soup with apples and peanut butter.
It may sound like a weird combination- but it is good. And it has a story behind it.
I was working with a group of ladies several years ago on a weekend workshop. I was supposed to speak AND
cater the luncheon on Sunday. I planned the menu to be soup, salad, roll, and chocolate for dessert.
The soup I had planned was Apple,Fennel, and Almond – the salad was chicken garnished with slices of avocados and greens-
and I had gotten croissants and wonderful chocolate truffles . Everything was prepared and packaged up to go.
Except the base for the soup never went. I had left it to put in the cooler last and instead it just got left.
So Sunday morning I started to get the preparation in hand and couldn’t find the soup base. I had the broth and the cream
I had ground almonds. I had everything but the base. And without the base, I had no soup.
The hotel we stayed in offered breakfast with our rooms – and one of the offerings was sausage gravy and biscuits.
I don’t like sausage gravy- but thought it would work as a soup base. I had a little cider and apples from a stop at a nearby
orchard ( We were out in Amish country, in Wilmot, Ohio) and one of the ladies had a jar of peanut butter. Plus- I had my
avocados for garnishing. I only had a slow cooker to work with, but I put it on high and starting with the cider and apples, slowly
put together a soup for 38 ladies. I spoke about my topic- making beauty preparations from your kitchen– and then went back to my soup
– planning to trash it if it didn’t turn out.
But it did turn out. It was – in fact- a success! I had many requests for the recipe- but I had no recipe to share- just a panicked memory
of what else can I add???!!
A little while before the grandkids and their parents came, I made guacamole for Jordan and myself. It was really good, although I
added a zested jalapeno pepper and it was really spicy as well. But I had a lot left over- and it was starting to go brown.
That is when I decided to recreate my luncheon soup and see if it was as good as I remembered.
I started off sauteeing a 1/2 pound of sausage. To that I added 1/2 diced onion and one chopped and peeled medium apple.

Add a large cup of guacamole-(so avocado,lime juice,finely grated jalapeno and salt and pepper)

Add 2 small cans of chicken broth, and 1 tablespoon of smooth peanut butter and
stir and heat until hot but not boiling. Add salt and pepper to taste- maybe a little bit
of hot sauce – a dollop of cream- and enjoy!

We ate it with tortilla chips and it was just as good as I had remembered.
(Jordan was VERY skeptical at first- but I think he really loved it by his third helping.)