Paper Whites growing up in the southern window-

  Boxwood Wreath 015


Paper Whites 003


Willow always gives me paperwhites for Thanksgiving.  We share a love for plants and growth and green and flowers.  And I love knowing that our plants are growing up -mine here- hers in Columbus.

Look at the difference a day of sunshine makes!

These are going to bloom way before Christmas!  And I’m happy about that, because we won’t be here for Christmas, so I’ll get to enjoy them during the Advent season. 

Christmas is about relationship.  God within the Godhead- the Trinity opened to include us into eternal relationship.  Christ becoming man in order to bring adoption to mankind.  Relationship.

The gifting is there, most certainly, but the relationship is by far the center of the Christmas experience for me.  And the wonder of the incarnation- not from the point of view of mankind, but from God.  That surrendering of glory that Christ refers to in his high priestly prayer in John 17.  That sundering of relationship that involves flesh and blood.  The entire episode of becoming sin and stepping into the breach-paying the price- healing the breach of sin- and becoming our advocate.

So- when I start to get crazy about gifts and start thinking about what I can give, or make or buy- I look at these paper whites and think of relationship.  Because that is what makes this gift so precious to me- the giving of her understanding, the sharing of our interests and joys, the inclusion these lovely plants give me in my daughter’s life.

And in that reminder, I look again at Christmas- at a baby in a manger- at the relationships that rocked the Universe and set things straight. 

Peace on earth, Goodwill to men.

Praise and Thanksgiving


There is a Thanksgiving carol sung in rounds that  has been running through my mind lately.

Praise and thanksgiving let everyone bring

Unto the Father for every good thing.

All together joyfully sing.”

It is a sweet little tune,so it isn’t driving me crazy like some songs do when they become lodged in my brain. 

But, I’ve been reading around in Blogland and have become inspired to be a little thankful in print, as well.  Thankfulness should be a natural state for believers.

James 1:17  says that ” every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father above” and my thankfulness abounds for all the gifting and giftedness and gifts that He has provided for me.

Some of the gifts are spectacular- some small blessings- and others are area of  unexpected joys- but they are all good. 

Even pain is a gift.  Without it I could blunder into areas of danger.  It slows me down and helps me to take account of my actions and make decisions that are wise and calculated to build up strengths rather than to tear down or injure already weakened systems.

And so I am thankful.  And I am rejoicing. 

And I’m inviting you to joyfully sing.

All together now!

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(You didn’t really think I was going to write about thankfulness without mentioning Aidan or at least posting a picture, did you?)

All Hallow’s Eve


It’s time for the fading light to dim to darkness,

for scary and cute faces to cover up the faces we love,

for leaves to pile high and yet crackle under our feet as we feel our way through the darkness,

for pumpkins to smile and sneer at us,

for cider to be served hot and spicy,

for children to beg for candy at our front doors,

for the “zombies” who live in our neighborhoods to party late into the night-

It’s Hallow’een!


Boo at the Zoo 009Boo at the Zoo 018 Boo at the Zoo 014

Pumpkins fesival- Circleville 023 Pumpkins fesival- Circleville 018 Halloween in Columbus 028

Halloween in Columbus 033 It is really just the day  before All Saint’s Day on the Western  Christian Calendar.  A day that is signified with remembering all those who have died in the Lord.  Remembering and looking forward to the time when we will all be reunited in the presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

I can celebrate this.

I am in anticipation for the actual day when I shall see Jesus, and all of my loved ones who have gone before me into eternity.

I shiver in anticipation, which is not at all like a shiver of fear.

But I enjoy the holiday, because it is NOT a celebration of death and evil and fear.

It is a celebration of those who have gone before us.

Because Our God holds the issues of death-Psalm 68:20-

and death for a believer is a sacred trust between God and himself.

Don’t turn this holiday into a harvest festival.

Look deep into the eyes of death and ask where is the sting.

Walk by the cemetery and look for the victory.

Celebrate because God deserves the praise and the glory.

Do I hear any “Amens”?!?

nagged by prayer


When I was a young teen, godly people worried about me and prayed for me.

I know because they told me so.

And one morning at Eastern Camp in  Webster Springs, West Virginia ,I got up early and went to

prayer meeting to hear what they were telling God about me.

I came away chastened and touched, but they never knew that.


I have since learned what nagging prayer really means.

It isn’t about believers nagging God to fix the problems in their lives and loved ones.

It is the Holy Spirit, persistent and persuasively bringing something/one to mind and then effectively calling you to prayer.  Or at least that is how it works in my life.   There are days when I feel positively NAGGED into prayer- into deep and constant prayer.  I’m tired and ready to stop when another wave of need washes over my spirit and I am again swept into prayer for that same person or issue.

I feel privileged to pray at the Holy Spirit’s nudging, but sometimes it would be nice to know how it all turns out.

Once, when Frank and I were driving down S.R. 18 towards Medina, I felt compelled to pray for the couple on the motorcycle next to us.  We were close in traffic for a while and so I prayed with my eyes on them, until they turned off at 94.  I felt like I had finished my task and hoped that the Lord’s will would be accomplished – HAH!   I STILL feel compelled to pray for that couple.  Every once in a while they turn up in my thoughts so vividly that I know it is another call to pray for them.

I also pray for people who are famous or at least quasi-famous.  I pray for the President and our leaders (even Don Plusquellic, Akron’s mayor) and for world leaders and the armed forces (especially the Navy, especially for one certain Lieutenant now deployed to Japan!).  And, since I’m admitting to these other-worldly practices, I will confess that I pray for Nick  Nolte.  I seem to be called to  pray for Nick Nolte to keep searching until he finds the truth- the Lord of Truth.

I did NOT choose Nick Nolte, I was reading the Parade Magazine from the Sunday Edition of the Akron Beacon Journal and suddenly I found  myself reading about this troubled man who was in search- and the voice in my head said, “Pray for this man.”  So I do, although I wish there was a time limit on how long you have to pray for some people.

Today, all day, I’ve been in prayer.  It sounds pious until you remember what you just read about me.  Because it could just as easily say, Today, all day, I’ve been nagged to pray.  Yesterday,  I wouldn’t have been so obedient- because yesterday, I was a grumpy old woman and mainly I fumed and whined and felt sorry for myself.  So before you think highly of me- remember my motivation.

But also, think of the scriptures in the light of what I’ve said.

Romans 12:11″ Rejoice in your hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”  The Holy Spirit is powerful- and if you have  been trained to listen when the Spirit speaks, then you had just better rejoice and be patient- because you ARE going to be constant in prayer! (my own paraphrase)

I think sometimes when I read the Bible I expect it to shine out rays of illuminations that will transform me into the person God has called me to become without any pain or labor.  Other times, I realize that this becoming is hard and painful work and seems to be taking a LONG time. 


So, how was your day?

I’m a loiterer on the pathway of life-

So- seriously- this is what I’ve learned.

I am playing around instead of journeying.  My bags aren’t packed.

I have not got provisions for travel.

And whenever I look ahead, I am daunted by the distances I need to go.

I am a toddler, refusing to hold the Hand offered,

choosing my own way, which is mainly in dizzying circles,

all centered around myself.

If I was chronicling my life John Bunyan style,

I would name myself Slothly and write up a

description of a sly-eyed,slow moving,selfish and

pudgy woman who ignores good advice but announces

her good intentions with regularity to any one willing to listen.

If I found myself in Lewis’ Narnian Chronicles, I’d be a


Because,  “the dwarves are for the dwarves!”

And looking in a mirror, I am turning away from what I see.

Not very attractive.

I’ve been hurt and I’m tired and leery about being hurt again.

I need repair.

I am depressed.

And I can’t do this on my own.

I am so thankful that God is a God of mercy

and redemption.  And Grace.

And that His is the Hand I’m reaching for-

His is the direction I’m following…

slowly behind.

And that He is in the business of transformation.

Hawaiin skies and bread 008

Day by day.